Friday, January 29, 2010

Colorblind Comedy

Ok, so yesterday, I gave a talk on racism, health disparities, and social movements.  The whole talk centers around recognizing the importance of race, especially in the images people use during social movements.  Pretty much the antithesis of colorblindness.

After the talk, I was laughing with a white woman about Chris Matthews' racist comment that he "forgot Obama was black" for about an hour.  (see Chris Matthews "forgot Obama is black") The obvious implication being that Obama was doing so well that he transitioned from black to white in Matthews' mind.  I laughingly  recounted the story and that brief analysis.  The white woman responded, "I don't even see color.  I hate that stuff."

I was mesmerized by her obvious lack of reflection on so many levels!  First, I bet Chris Matthews would say the same thing.  He was celebrating a "colorblind hour," in which he basically went to the highest level of racial Zen.  Secondly, uh...did you hear my talk?!  She actually thought she was agreeing with me!  I really want to say, "Hey lady! Go home.  You're not on the can't even cheer from the bleachers."  Feigned colorblindness and confused outrage are not helpful.

I could go on, but why..?  Anyway, maybe the woman was more aware than I think.  She quickly turned her back to me after her comment.


  1. That's pretty funny, Glenn. Yes, you're story, too, but also that you mis-spelled comedy in your title. :)

  2. What do you mean? Looks right to me... :) [Good catch. I never could spell.]
