Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dreams: Skating Dreams Series

Dream interpreters: the last three nights, I had three dreams with the same theme. In each of them I am skating on indoor floors. 

In the first, I am skating on hardwood floors--like fake hardwood floors-- in the middle of a house or school or something like that and I am extremely good at it. And people are praising my skills. 

In the next dream I am skating through a high-end grocery store, and I am out-of-control. I run into an old woman in the dairy section. I can't actually see her just feel that she's there.  I run over her.  I realize that I cannot Control myself or stop. I skate up and down the aisles until people from the store come and surround me.  it's clear that I'm going to be forcibly stopped.  not violently stopped; just held. 

In the third dream, I am skating around a university classroom with some of my closest friends, Chris Chambers in particular is there. I am skating around the edge of the room at first just touching each corner with my hand. Then I feel compelled to touch each corner with the entirety of my back like just rub my entire back against each corner and it's a clear OCD type compulsion. people are watching and talking to me as I'm more and more out of control. I'm also making verbal connections between phrases that people make and popular songs that contain that phrase. I am showing off a little bit. But it becomes clear that I am not in control of myself.  first it's clear to me and that is clear to other people.

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